From now if I am lucky to come across something, or be told something before it is out in the public domain I will call it a "Privileged Post", as opposed to the normal "E" word, which is full of self boasting and I refuse to use!
I received a tip off that Borderbus's E300, which I knew was being repainted this week while the schools were off, was back at Ellough in her new colours. Since due to other committments it will be sometime before I get the chance to get up that part of the world I emailed Andrew Pursey hoping he might be able to supply me with an official pic to use. Within 3 mins he had replied, saying although he was off this week (and sitting on his laptop obviously) Dave Marshall had taken a couple of pics and would forward them to me. 2 mins later I had the pics. Beat that! My thanks to both Tim for the tip off, and Andrew and Dave at Borderbus. 5 mins from request sent to pic on hard drive - now that's service for you. Anyway I hope you'll agree with me that the E300 looks pretty good. Although she will be used predominantly on school work she will also make appearances on the 146 so keep your eyes peeled.
Borderbus E300 KX54 NKH fresh out of the paintshop |
Looking smart. That livery is really growing on me and suits the E300 no end! |
After a quick Google search I found a pic of her while in service for Premiere travel of Nottingham who sadly ceased trading in January last year.
What a good post nice to see the first generation Enviro300s make an apperance we have 2nd edition Enviro300s down here in Eastbourne. They are mainly on our 1/1A route.
ReplyDeleteThanks Lou
ReplyDeleteHi Steve,
ReplyDeleteIt hasn't been pained, it's all vinyls. Same goes for all of the single-deck fleet, the whole livery is just plain dealer white with very big and very well applied stickers.
Which were applied in a paintshop.
DeleteI have just heard from Dave Marshall, Cheif Engineer at Borderbus who has given me permisasion to quote the email, which reads as follows:
Delete"Hi Steve the only vinyls on any of our buses is the name Border Bus
All single decks were painted at car com Double decks were painted by ensign where we purchased them. If anyone needs verification they are welcome to see me and come to garage at time when buses there and see for themselves if need be"
Thanks Dave for clarifying so quickly.
At EATM I observed someone who I'll keep anonymous use their finger nail to pick at the yellow stripe on BB14, and that was definitely vinyl. Buses do not get painted as quickly as they say this one was.
ReplyDeleteSurely Dave would know being the Chief Engineer of the company? In my opinion, just from looking at the size of blue on the buses, at least that is painted, if not the yellow stripe.
ReplyDeleteGreat post as always Steve!
Thanks Glenn, and as I have heard from someone who witnessed it being painted I think Dave might know what he's talking about! Not that I ever doubted it.