
Friday 30 January 2015

65588 Cheats Death Again!

I am pleased to be the bearer of good news. As expected, due to the arrival last night of 69006 back from Rotherham today, after completing morning runs on the 67 to Martlesham, the final Ipswich Scania 65588 has been withdrawn from service. As I type it is being prepared to travel to Norwich, but NOT for storage.

Norwich have asked if it can be released for service work which has been agreed, so once again a Scania Floline will be seen on the streets of Norwich. More details and new pics of 69006 later but here is the final view of an Ipswich Scania in Ipswich. Truly the end of an era.

UPDATE: Having spoken to Chris Speed earlier he confirmed that he sanctioned the use of 65588 at Norwich as an emergency measure due to several vehicles at Norwich encountering problems with the new style grit the Council are using this year. It's hoped the problems will be rectified shortly.

65588 outside Ipswich depot for last time prior to moving to Norwich.
69006 didn't leave the depot today, in fact didn't even stray from over the pits, so getting a decent pic wasn't easy. What should be noted though is the white vinyls on the destination surround have been replaced by what looks like vinyls of a similar colour to the paintwork, thus making the destination screen area smaller than the others. As usual in the depot it was very difficult light but you can make it out just!

69006 showing off the reduced destination screen area
The last pic I'll take a of a repaint at Ipswich for sometime!


  1. Hi steve a galloway national express update the second hand lavante has turned up it is fj61eyg ( may get fleet number 341 to be confirmed) it came from the north of the country and was in citylink livery at the moment it is all white it ma be a few weeks before it goes in service

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