
Friday, 10 June 2016

Simonds and Borderbus to share 80/81

It has been confirmed to me that following the return of the tender for operation of the Diss - Beccles - Yarmouth 80/81 by Anglian Bus, from September the route has been awarded to Simonds, who will operate the route in conjunction with Borderbus. More details will follow in due course.

Apparently Anglian are denying to their staff that they have returned the contract.


  1. Should be interesting to see how this develops, through tickets etc. Always interested to see if the frequency will change, what buses will be on the route. Looking forward to these developments as and when they happen of course. Just looking at some of the details that I am guessing will have to be ironed out between now and September.

    I had my first two journeys on Simonds this week on my way to Ipswich. Wonderful journey, very friendly driver and knew his regulars well. Top marks on that front from me. Still have to try Border Bus, looking forward to my first experience of this company.

    John D.

  2. Do you mean that Simonds will run the 80 and then BorderBus the 81? or Simonds to run the 80 and 81, and then BorderBus runs the next 80 and 81 etc?

    1. Absolutely no idea, Zak. No further details are available at present. I would doubt the timetable has been finalised anyway.

    2. The timetable will have been specified by Norfolk County Council if it's a tender. It is likely the second best bid was either a joint one, or one of the operators will need to seek NCC permission to sub-contract one or more bus workings.

    3. When I contacted NCC over the draft timetable that was put out to consultation a few months ago they told me the next move would be to decide the operator, then finalise the timetable in conjunction with the operator.

      There will have been minimum and time frame requirements - in fact I know there were as I have seen them - so it is unlikely the timetable is as yet finalised, hence the wait for further details.

      What I can say is the second bid chosen was a single operator, not a joint bid. however it's also likely the council will say yes to anything if it doesn't affect the price.

    4. Timetable now up on Simonds site

  3. More bad news Galloway are in trouble and are axing jobs no further info at present

  4. Oh Jeez where's it going to end

  5. . Some info on Ipswich Star

    1. I think I'd be more worried if they didn't review the needs of the business? May be a concern to the staff, of course, but the world (and the customers) don't stand still.

  6. Hi Steve just some info at Galloway as I work there they are making some cut backs with the people thats taking over the main problem is they have way to many office / shop people working there

  7. A company 'axing jobs' is not necessarily in trouble. Its management are simply pro-actively managing the business to make sure it DOESN'T get into trouble. And if those reductions are in overhead and back office staff, the impact on the customer and services is zero. All businesses have to move with the times to reflect changing markets, new technology, and a host of other factors. It is companies that don't reflect these changes that tend to end up in trouble.

  8. Very true to the above in a letter to the work force at Galloway they took on extra staff for expansion that did not come I believe all shops has closed most of the above is on the orders of the soon be new owners but Galloway is still looking for new drivers
