
Monday 31 March 2014

Borderbus 521 Begins

Today saw Borderbus take over the 521 between Halesworth and Aldeburgh from Nightingales. Since the 521 is my closest regular bus route (I just don't count the 196 as a bus route) I thought I'd better get out there to sample the new genesis of the route. And so after some brilliant adjustment of my pick up time from Suffolk Links I got to Halesworth in plenty of time to catch the 1015 service to Aldeburgh. Used to Nightingales' Mercedes Beavers the passengers looked suitibly impressed at the gleaming new E200 Borderbus are using on the route - that's the paint gleaming on the outside and the plastic on the inside. However it was on time, well driven, and the seats were comfortable, but by time it got to Leiston I had just about had enough of that whining engine and by time we got to Aldeburgh I couldn't get off it quick enough. That said there will be few long distance passengers on the route and for the purpose it serves it will be a great improvement on what went before. I wish Borderbus all the success in the world but wish they had bought a Streetlite instead!

Even I will remember this registration! Borderbus E200 BB14 BUS at Halesworth Station on the first day of 521 operation
At Aldeburgh
I like the emergency door. BB14 BUS at Aldeburgh
First Volvo B7rle 69432 and Borderbus BB14 BUS
First Volvo B7tl 32653 and Borderbus E200 BB14 BUS at Aldeburgh


  1. I was hoping M&CH would lose the contract for the 196. Dreadful drivers and silly minibuses.

  2. You and me both, buddy. The current driver you can time your watch by but conversations are challenging to say the least. I also wonder how they are covered by the disability act as there is no way a wheelchair user could be carried. It also can't be called a bus service when you have to open your own door. The timings are awful too - it gets to Saxmundham 2 mins after the Aldeburgh bus goes and comes back only 2 mins after the 64A which means the slightest delay and that's it.
