First of all my apologies for the lack of posts recently. I had company this week and if I'm honest I've rather lost the bug for blogging at the moment. Hopefully this week will see me catch it again. So this isn't a round up as you have come to know them, but just a few things that are going on. There are plenty of other blogs desperate to get the news up before it happens so check them out for the latest stuff.
First of all news from Galloway. If you havent seen their National Express branded Levante 303 FJ61 EVT recently there is a good reason for that. David Green tells me that it has been wthdrawn due to fire damage and will be replaced by a brand new Volvo B11R Levante in September. Until then other coaches from Galloway's fleet will deputise. Many thanks, David for your regular and accurate
Today I actually had a car at my disposal so took a trip to Beccles hoping to get pics at Anglian and Borderbus's yards. Unfortunately Borderbus is totally inaccessible on a Sunday so no luck there, but I was given permission to take some pics at Anglian's yard. Knowing what they don't like pics being taken of I avoided the graveyard and concentrated on the roadworthy fleet. First of all here is the E200 Demonstrator currently on loan to Anglian.
E200 demonstrator YX14 FHS at Anglian's yard |
It was bittterly cold there so I didn't hang about but did get one of the three deckers about to reach the end of their days at Ellough. I have heard that the 3 ex Metrobus Scanias are due imminently, which will mean the end for these 3 Tridents, which I find bizarre as Anglian really need more deckers and this would be the opportunity to keep them as occasional spares thus ensuring that should there be a shortage of deckers the gap could easily be filled. There is nothing wrong with these three and they are warm and comfortable to ride.
Tridents 722, 712 and 723 soon to be withdrawn |
Moving on and for those who haven't heard yet the "Short Set" has a new engine. Just about every DRS Class 47 has been part of this now legendary train over the last couple of years but in 47790 they have saved the best till last. Looking pretty awesome in her Northern Belle livery, I was lucky enough to spot Princess Galloway (no not George) at Lowestoft on Thursday.
47790 at the front of the short set at Lowestoft |
Finally I have been invited to a presentation and photoshoot at First Ipswich on Wednesday. I recieved an email from Paulo asking me to publicise the new cleaning regime implemented last week which is designed to ensure that all vehicles look their best at all times. I am happy to publicise this, Paulo, as I have mentioned several times that it was a shame that vehicles arrived back from Rotherham with shiny silver wheels only to lose that shine in less than a week. I am pleased that keeping wheels clean is going to be part of the new regime. It's the little things that make the difference, Paulo, so dirt around seat mountings, on top deck above destination screen boxes, discolouring around fuel caps etc are the things which make all the difference in public opinion. Well mine anyway! I'm really looking forward to Wednesday and of course there will be a full report her.
Finally finally if you think the repainting at Norwich will look a bit garsih then things could also be worse. This was posted on Twittter yesterday of a Leicester E400 in Blue branding. It just doesn't work for me and I think the new Norwich branding is better than this.
Just No!!! I have always hated those destination surrounds |
Hi steve another galloway update galloway took delivery yesterday of a brand new Mercedes benzs tourismo three axle coach this coach will be in a new livery to celebrate 50 years of galloway and will go on the road in march with a15 number plate
ReplyDeleteI hate those desti surrounds too!