Today saw many cameraists heading for Kings Lynn to witness the debut of East Anglia's newest bus company. Lynx, the trading name of Coastal Red, the latest venture by Konectbus founder. Julian Patterson. As you would expect I made the 4 hour journey to get you pics of the first day in service.
Using a fleet of 3 Optare Tempos Lynx operate an hourly service from Kings Lynn to Hunstanton, in direct competition with Norfolk Green's 10 and 11.
Lynx Optare Tempo YJ05 JWZ arrives from Hunstanton |
Has to be said the buses are smart inside and out, and it is certainly a colour that East Anglia is lacking in. The loads seemed really healthy and there was certainly a Lynx Effect in Kings Lynn Bus Station where Norfolk Green staff were thrusting timetables into as many hands as they could.
Sister Tempo YJ55 BJE loads up for Hunstanton |
There were three vehicles out on the route today, whch could manage with two, but I think Lynx were determined to make sure everything left on time today so all three Tempos were out. It will be interesting to see how the service flourishes over the next few months.
The third of the Tempos YJ55 BKU |
It was also the first day of the new X1 timetable, and the first chance to see some of the new destination screen arrangements for the now split up in a thousand pieces route. I'm intending to do a major post on the subject of Domestic v EU driving rules in the near future so I won't dwell too long on it just suffice it to say the new destination displays make a sheer mockery of the route and I will vote for any party who pledges to sort it out.
Totally pathetic and unnecessary, 33814 models the new short form destination screen |
This is turning out into more of a round up than the round up was yesterday,but I'm down South for a couple of days getting a couple of special features so everything has to get squeezed in tonight.
I was sent a pic this afternoon by the gentleman who is Tim Miller of one of the refurbished ex Metrobus Scanina Omnidekkas heading for Anglian Bus in the next couple of weeks. They are meant to be replacing the three Tridents but I still hold out hope that the Tridents will be retained as spares. Having had an extremely crowded Streetlite on the 88 from Bungay this morning it seems the spare deckers are needed rather urgently. No idea which of the Scanias this is but it certainly looks good before the vinyls go on. Many thanks to Tim for the pic.
One of the Scania Omnidekkas soon to arrive at Beccles |
Now having said yesterday there were no bus changes whatsoever taking place in Suffolk in February I almost immediately discovered that First are making changes to some of their Norwiich services from 22nd Feb 2015. These changes were lodged with the Traffic Commisioner on 6th Jan but I don't recall anyone else mentioning them so forgive me if I just missed it. Anyway the changes are as follows.
12/12A To amend Timetable
13/13B To amend Route, Stopping Places and Tmetable
25/25A/X25 To amend Timetable
26/27 To amend Timetable
36/39 To amend Route, Stopping Places and Timetable
There is also a new route being created, presumably on the Purple Line between Norwich and Long Stratton via Flotman and Newton, given service no 35. It will operate from Castle Meadow, Norwich to Manor Rd, Long Stratton, and will operate half hourly Monday to Saturday.
Once again sorry if this is old news but none of it struck me as familiar.
33163 shortly after repaint at Anglia Square |
Wednesday I have a meeting arranged with an old friend who is a manager on Arriva Southern Counties. I have been looking forward to catching up with him for a long time, and I think it will be a very interesting interview. I will also be spending time on Arriva's services in Medway and Maidstone, sampling some of their new fleet and will form the basis of a two post special later this week.
May be nice buses and nice pics, but I just get a tad concerned that some of this might be competition-for-competitions-sake (or may be the route needs a shake up, I don't know), adding ammo to the Labour Party's ideas to extend London-style franchising to the Shires. Given that Local Government can't afford to do the things it should be doing already, that should decimate the buses nicely as all the money goes on the mountains of bureaucracy and the passengers (well, some of them) pay for it all. Rail franchising, round 2 anyone? Perhaps the competition never seems to happen on the routes that need a shake up, for some reason or heaven forbid to extend the reach of services? But at least we can be regaled with stories of how things used to be! We love nostalgia. (It's probably all we'll have left).