There haven't been many days like this for a long time, with both Ipswich and Norwich getting repaints back on the same day, and both firsts in their own right. Earlier today I posted pics of 69426 that Paulo had sent First Class post (pun intended) from inside the depot. Later today David Warren got some daylight shots of her and being the decent chap he is has sent them to me to use on here tonight. I think you'll agree they're not bad!
I'm still not sure about the RAF Blue but I think this looks just superb pic (c) David Warren |
To think only two years ago it was pink! pic (c) David Warren |
Now at Old Cattle Market pic (c) David Warren |
Sitting ready to go out in service. pic (c) David Warren |
There were also two other repaints at Ipswich today - both Yarmouth Routemasters were down for something I don't know what but David again was there to get a great pic.
RML2480 and RML2623 at ipswich depot today pic (c) David Warren |
There was also a new arrival in Norwich today. The first vehicle to be painted in Turquoise, Trident 33100 arrived back, and Chris Speed posted this pic on Twitter earlier today. Note the Norwich branding on the front, which will be applied to all the branded repaints eventually. I wasn't sure how this colour would look but actually it's not bad.
First Norwich 33100 in her new turquoise livery. |
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