David "newsflash" Warren was seriously on the ball this morning when he reported that 3 Enviro 200's had arrived at Ipswich from Clacton last night. 45117-9 YX90 ACX/Y/DO are set for service on the 53's. There is one more due next week,which will see one of 69532/3 go the other way. By happy chance I was in Saxmundham earlier and 69533 passed me! Already departed for Clacton are 03 reg Scania Solars 65690-2 which is quite typical as only a couple of months ago I gave 65692 a rave review saying it was the nicest First Scania I had travelled on. Anyway I can reveal the first E200 will be going away for refurbishment next week, and they should all be branded for the 53 on return. Thanks to David for the heads up and the pic below is copyright to him.
44518 Enviro 200 YX09 ACZ now at Ipswich for route 53 at Old Cattle Market. Pic by David Warren |
69533 PL05 UBS seen at Saxmundham could be going the other way to Clascton. |
Now a bit of praise for the Ipswich maintenance chappies. While killing time this morning (I challenge anyone to find something to do for 2 and a half hours in Saxmundham) I got on on loan ALX400 32061 and I don't know what they have done to it but it feels like a different bus. A vast improvement from my last journey on it. I know the guys from Rotherham praised Ipswich's fleet of ALX400's as the best in the country for their age and that expertise is showing. Well done, guys, and particularly to Barry Spurling, who has an engineering dept to be very proud of.
A much improved 32061 at Saxmundham today |
Chris Speed has just announced on Twitter that 32061 is to return to Yarmouth shortly to be replaced at Ipswich by 30888. That will make Yarmouth a much quieter place and Ipswich much noisier unless the magicians at Ipswich can work the oracle again and somehow stop that fan from being on all the time. The reason given isn't as I thought because of the Wilco ad needed back on its designated patch, but that 30888 has guide arms so can be used on the 66 if required.
poor Clacton .I was at bow yesterday LT239 was parked just inside a driver said they had another three but was unsure if they will have enough for conversion day.clive.