If you don't have the facility to do your own MOTs then the next best thing has to be to have a neighbour build a facility on your doorstep. This has happened in Beccles as Truck and Plant Engineering have just opened their new commercial vehicle Authorised Testing Facility (ATF) bay on Moor Business Park which just happens to be the home to BorderBus too. So it seemed natural that in the spirit of good neighbourness BorderBus were the first customers with their ADL E300 KX54 NKH. Dave Marshall from BorderBus has kindly sent me pictures taken this morning. Thanks, Dave, much appreciated.
From left Colin Stammers, BorderBus Engineer, Dave Grimson, Truck & Plant Lane Supervisor with Adam and Gary, VOSA Examiners |
It must be said the MOT lane is absolutely gleaming and I would imagine looks great to potential customers.
The MOT lane at Truck and Plant Engineering, Beccles |
Nearside in... |
Offside in.... |
..and backside in! The first customer for Truck and Plant Engineering's new MOT lane. |
Truck and Plant Engineering proufly display their new ATF sign |
Once again many thanks to Dave, and I have a feeling there may be more from him in the coming days!
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